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port news
Port News
Stay informed on port news worldwide with Journal of Commerce. From decarbonization to labor updates, get insights on global developments.
North American ports
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The latest Port News & Analysis
New intermodal park to support doubled Mundra capacity
India Special Correspondent |
The battle for market share in India's northwestern hinterland will heat up further in the coming months.
Marine terminals
Indonesia pushes for lower handling costs at ports
Turloch Mooney, Senior Editor, Global Ports |
The move is seen as another step in an ongoing campaign to reform the country's port and shipping network.
Marine terminals
India looks to aid port development in Sri Lanka
India Special Correspondent |
New Delhi’s interest in Trincomalee could be a response to China’s growing influence in the Indian Ocean.
International ports
Detention-demurrage fight heats up for last word to FMC
Mark Szakonyi, Executive Editor |
The fight underscores how explosive the petition is becoming.
Transport, Trade and Regulation News
Container lines
North American ports
Marine terminals
Crowded Persian Gulf port market ripe for consolidation
Turloch Mooney, Senior Editor, Global Ports |
Competition among ports in the region is heating up.
International ports
NY-NJ port upgrades equipment to cut emissions
Hugh R. Morley, Senior Editor |
Terminals at the Port of New York and New Jersey will mark Earth Day by using low emissions yard tractors and cargo-handling equipment.
North American ports
Antwerp container growth slows
Bruce Barnard, Special Correspondent |
Overall throughput increased 1.5 percent.
International ports
Kobe, Osaka ports upgrade cranes, pursue 200,000 teus
Tomoo Yatsuhashi, Japan Special Correspondent |
The largest cranes at the ports of Kobe and Osaka can now serve ships with 22 rows and 18 rows of containers, respectively.
International ports
Marine terminals
US shippers expect pinch, not capacity crunch, from ELDs
William B. Cassidy, Senior Editor |
Shippers and logistics operators at recent conferences didn't expect a massive capacity crunch to follow the rollout of an electronic logging mandate this year, but truckers warned there will be an impact.
Truck brokers
Indian dockworker strike postponed
India Special Correspondent |
If negotiations fail, it would be the second nationwide stoppage at major ports in two years.
Longshore labor
Transport, Trade and Regulation News
FMC's Cordero tapped to lead Long Beach port
Bill Mongelluzzo, Senior Editor |
Former Long Beach harbor commissioner and current FMC member will return to Southern California to become executive director of Port of Long Beach.
North American ports
NY-NJ appointment system expanding as turn times contract
Hugh R. Morley, Senior Editor |
The operator of the Port of New York and New Jersey’s first ever terminal gate appointment program is expanding the 4-month-old pilot initiative.
North American ports
Brazil's Suape moves forward on new terminal plan
Rob Ward, Brazil Special Correspondent |
The northeast Brazilian port of Suape is seeking developers of what could become the country’s most valued container terminal.
International ports
India’s Pipavav port shifts focus to liquid and ro-ro cargoes
India Special Correspondent |
International ports
First quarter is best ever for Rotterdam TEU growth
Bruce Barnard, Special Correspondent |
Container traffic at the port of Rotterdam grew 8.8 percent in the first three months of the year, the biggest ever quarterly increase.
International ports
Container lines
US NW port alliance delivers operational, financial benefits
Bill Mongelluzzo, Senior Editor |
Seattle and Tacoma are operating more efficiently and profitably since they formed the Northwest Seaport Alliance.
North American ports
US marine terminal modernization slows as more big ships call
Reynolds Hutchins, Associate Editor |
“I’m trying to think of a greenfield project right now that someone is actually building or financing, and I can’t think of one.”
Transport, Trade and Regulation News
North American ports
Forward Air spreads drayage wings to Southeast
Joseph Bonney, Senior Editor |
Forward Air has expanded its US Midwest-focused drayage footprint to the Southeast.
Trucking News
Air Cargo
Air Cargo Forwarder News
Greece seeks improved bids for Thessaloniki port
Bruce Barnard, Special Correspondent |
The Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund will announce the winner at the next meeting of its directors.
International ports
Transport, Trade and Regulation News
India works to head off national port strike
India Special Correspondent |
Unions are protesting a reform of major port trusts through new legislation dubbed the Major Ports Authority Bill 2016.
Longshore labor
Breakbulk News
Oakland repurposes port properties to curb congestion
Bill Mongelluzzo, Senior Editor |
Repurposing port properties for anciliary services helps Oakland to curb congestion.
North American ports
Eurogate profit jumps but German terminal traffic stalls
Bruce Barnard, Special Correspondent |
Eurogate raised fears that the German terminals’ competitive position is being threatened by delays to infrastructure projects.
Marine terminals
JNPT hits target for speedy import program
India Special Correspondent |
The goal, critical to government efforts to cut logistics costs and lift port productivity, had seemed unattainable.
International ports
DP World mulls expansion of Suez terminal
Turloch Mooney, Senior Editor, Global Ports |
DP World took over the operation and management of Sokhna from a group of private investors in 2008.
Marine terminals
Savannah deepening cost, timeline, and BCO benefits expand
Reynolds Hutchins, Associate Editor |
“Yes, there is more money needed for it, but if we’re truly looking for projects that will have a meaningful payback to the nation, this is the project.”
North American ports
Adani, APMT scotch Pipavav Port sale rumors
India Special Correspondent |
APM Terminals Pipavav has struggled of late as some mainline carriers have dropped calls.
Marine terminals
Cuba’s Mariel port builds for bigger ships amid headwinds
Joseph Bonney, Senior Editor |
Turning Mariel into a major transshipment or transit port would require changes in US restrictions.
International ports
SE Asia footwear sourcing shift stresses supplier links
Bill Mongelluzzo, Senior Editor |
Footwear importers encounter logistics challenges as they source outside of China.
International ports
Maersk taps river route for Bangladesh exports
Special Indian Correspondent |
The liner giant is using “river sea” category vessels to transport exports out of the Pangaon Inland Container Terminal (PICT).
International ports
Indian authorities try to avert nationwide strike
Special Indian Correspondent |
A strike would impact supply chains as the Narendra Modi government vigorously works to stimulate economic growth.
International ports
SSAT to serve Tacoma terminal after APMT leaves
Bill Mongelluzzo, Senior Editor |
SSA Terminals in Tacoma will provide stevedoring and terminal services for Matson when APM Terminals' lease expires.
North American ports
Chennai Port struggles to drive up rail volume
Special Indian Correspondent |
Converting cargo from road to rail, aimed at easing chronic congestion at Chennai Port, continues to be a struggle.
International ports
International rail
Growth at public Indian ports slows despite productivity gains
India Special Correspondent |
Traffic at major ports, which account for 70 percent of India’s container trade, increased 3 percent year-over-year.
International ports
New parking lot key to easing Santos congestion
Rob Ward, Brazil Special Correspondent |
The parking lot should be up and running by some time in 2019.
International ports
EU-based carriers set for Canadian cabotage relief
Reynolds Hutchins, Associate Editor |
Proposed Canadian legislation would allow EU-based carriers to reposition empty containers between domestic ports.
Transport, Trade and Regulation News
Container lines
Marine terminals
India's Adani Ports seeks to be global operator
India Special Correspondent |
The joint project is being positioned as an extension of Port Klang.
Marine terminals
ELDs signal higher US drayage costs for BCOs ahead
By William B. Cassidy, Hugh Morley and Bill Mongelluzzo |
Electronic logging of truck driver hours will run smack into congestion and delays at ports and rail yards, forcing changes to drayage operations and threatening higher costs.
Proposed California container fee threatens BCOs’ routings
Bill Mongelluzzo, Senior Editor |
"Customers change over $50 a container.”
Transport, Trade and Regulation News
North American ports
Productivity gains lift JNPT to record fiscal year
India Special Correspondent |
Container throughput at Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) hit an all-time high in fiscal year 2016 to 2017.
International ports
Mississippi River container terminal faces steep climb
Joseph Bonney, Senior Editor |
“Our goal is to take cargo away from other gateways like LA-Long Beach and New York.”
North American ports