The path to prosperity in Ulaanbaatar

On Tuesday, 11 August 2015, the Economic Club of Ulaanbaatar will present Ken Schoolland, Associate Professor of Economics and Political Science from Hawaii, to speak on the topic of “Trade, Migration and Entrepreneurship: Path to Prosperity” from 12-2.00pm at the Tuushin Hotel.

With experience as Associate Professor of Economics and Political Science at the Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu for over 20 years, AP Schoolland has followed a lifelong interest in politics and economics and shares a passion for finding engaging and fun ways to educate today’s youth on the subject.

Having served briefly as an international economist in the US International Trade Commission and the US Department of Commerce, AP Schoolland quickly found that a career in government was not for him and taught in Alaska and Japan, before settling in Hawaii. He hosted a radio program for the Libertarian Party of Hawaii and ran for US Congress three times. He currently sits on the board of many democratic and liberal organisations in Hawaii including holding the position of President of the International Society for Individual Liberty.

The topic of AP Schoolland’s presentation will be based around the importance of trade and migration to entrepreneurship and economic development. Openness to trade and migration are key selectors for the people and opportunities creating businesses, employment, and wealth.

"I first travelled through Mongolia by train from Irkutsk to Beijing in 1993. I was so impressed with the friendliness of the people and with the sharp beauty of the countryside, that I was determined to return. There will have been changes in those 22 years, but surely the people and the scenery are as beautiful as before. The story of change in Mongolia holds many lessons for a world in turbulent and hopeful times." – Ken Schoolland

The Economic Club of Ulaanbaatar is just one of the projects established by the Silk Road Foundation (SRF) and provides an opportunity for top business professionals, economists, politicians and decision makers to discuss the major economic issues facing Mongolia.

The session will be moderated by independent economist and President of the Economic Club of Ulaanbaatar, Mr Jargalsaikhan Dambadarjaa (Jargal DeFacto).

For guests interested in attending this presentation, please register with the SRF by 6.00pm Monday, 10 August via email Tickets are 60.000 MNT for guests and 40.000 MNT for members, including a two course lunch.

For more information on the Economic Club of Ulaanbaatar, or to become a member, please visit

Media contact:

Kerry Thompson, Marketing and Public Relations, Silk Road Foundation

9921 5984,