"K" Line wins vessel speed reduciton awards both the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. ("K" Line) received awards for achievement of high compliance rate for their vessel speed reduction programs from both the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in 2014.

The Port Authorities have implemented the vessel speed reduction programs asking vessels to comply with the speed limit of 12 knots within the designated coastal sea area in order to reduce emissions of exhaust gas when arriving to or sailing from the ports. “K” Line is commended for their voluntary participation in both programs as a shipping company whose vessels call at both ports. We were awarded by these programs as one of the top performers, based on our total of 170 ships, representing 323 qualifying legs within 40 nautical miles (about 74 kilometers) during 2014 in both ports.

This year, we were awarded the “Vessel Speed Reduction Program” from the Port of Los Angeles for the 10th consecutive year, and “Green Flag Program” from the Port of Long Beach the for the 7th consecutive year, both since the Programs commencement.

The “K” Line Group is making every possible effort to successfully implement its own environmental program, as well as cooperate with any other environmental preservation objectives being introduced by other parties, and will continue to actively contribute to protection of the global environment.