IWLA Supports Job Protection Bill That Would Rein in the NLRB

JOC Staff |
June 15, 2011 (DES PLAINES, IL) – The International Warehouse Logistics Association supports legislation recently introduced in Congress designed to prevent the highly politicized National Labor Relations Board from continuing to overstep its authority.

The bill, called the Job Protection Act, was introduced by senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Jim DeMint (R-SC). It would ensure employers have the ability to choose in which states they can operate and create jobs. The bill enjoys the support of more than 200 organizations.

The bill's introduction follows the widely publicized actions taken by the NLRB's acting general counsel Lafe Solomon to prevent Boeing from opening a plant in South Carolina. Solomon has said the board also will act to prevent companies moving or creating new operations in 21 other states with right-to-work laws that protect employees from being forced to join unions against their will. Solomon is a career NLRB attorney. He was appointed by the president to the general counsel position and is subject to Senate confirmation.

IWLA President and CEO Joel D. Anderson said the legislation shows how out of control the board has become. The Boeing case is just one more instance of how the NLRB is attempting to create a one-sided, union-enhancing process, Mr. Anderson said.

He added: The board's actions during the past few years, including but not limited to the Boeing case, are so extreme that they seem to serve no other public purpose than placing fear in employees to expand their workforce in the United States. While the administration continues to encourage employers to hire, its NLRB does all it can to punish employers. We hope the latest unemployment numbers are a wakeup call for the administration.